Liwa Trading Enterprises
Liwa Trading Enterprises LLC (Liwa) was set up in 1987 to establish the retail presence of the Abu Dhabi – based group, Al Nasser Holdings (ANH). ANH has wide interests in the oil services, manufacturing and retail sectors and operates a number of joint ventures with leading international companies.
Liwa has substantial experience in retailing in the GCC area and has established itself in all the GCC countries – UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. In each of these countries Liwa has franchise/sub-franchise agreements with a number of international brands dealing in clothing and other accessories, children’s and other speciality products. To support its highly expensive growing business, Liwa has developed state-of-the-art computer-based information and support systems.
Al Nasser Holdings formed LIWA Trading Enterprises over two decades ago to spearhead the retailing activities of the Group. 1987 saw the formation of this new and challenging company. The first retail outlet was opened in the last quarter of 1987 in the form of a Franchise Store for British Home Stores (Bhs), providing a new concept in shopping in Abu Dhabi. This was achieved through the high standard of store layout and design, coupled with the availability under one roof of a unique range of home products and stylish, value-driven fashions for the family.
Liwa Tower (7th Floor), Abu Dhabi Capital Centre, ADNEC Area,
P O Box 45326, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Tel # 009712 5059999
Fax # 009712 5059998